Cortical Mastoidectomy   Page 1 of 1 next .Help


Mediseus Temporal Bone is a training simulator for the cortical mastoidectomy procedure that uses 3D visual and haptic technology. Commonly a cortical mastoidectomy procedure is required for the clearance of infected material from the air cell system of the middle ear. It also provides the initial access to the inner ear and the cranial cavity in the region of the brainstem.

The aim of Mediseus Temporal Bone is to demonstrate the safe clearance of cellular bone in the mastoid region. It encourages development of a confident attitude to the procedure in a realistic virtual 3D environment. The system presents opportunities for repeated practice until mistakes are minimised, comparison with the procedure performed by very experienced surgeons, and for management of specific problems encountered in the procedure.

The secret to a faultless procedure is planning the use of landmarks in the region and careful use of the drill. The hallmark of a successful cortical mastoidectomy is complete removal of pneumatic bone without harming the facial nerve.

Mediseus Temporal Bone teaches these landmarks and how to demonstrate them using the sequence taught by experienced surgeons. The plan depends on a thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the temporal bone.
